With emerging technologies, amplifying your voice has never been easier.
Heard and seen?
That’s the hard part.
At Parable, we know how to deliver the right message to the right people through the right medium. We pinpoint your unique message and identify precisely why it matters and who cares about it, activating your story to solve your problem or capitalize on your opportunity.
Our Process
The first step to engaging in a 1:1 conversation with your target audience is quantitative research.
We pinpoint your core message through quantitative research, including creating and conducting surveys, the results of which are then combined with a robust inventory of consumer data, to identify precisely why it matters.
Next is data modeling.
We leverage advanced data analytics and proprietary machine learning algorithms to generate individual scores for 250 million+ Americans to create models that help organizations, brands, and individuals have a 1:1 conversation with any one of them, wherever their eyes and ears may be.
Then we create targeted universes to hear your specific messages.
We apply advanced analytics to the predictive model scores to create customized, highly-targeted universes.
From there, we bring together compelling words, art, images, and video to create emotionally-impactful and memorable content.
We are master storytellers who bring a new approach to an age-old art.
Finally, we focus on activation and measurement.
Multiple channels, both online and offline, can be used to reach your audience at a 1:1 level with regular adjustments in frequency and reach to maximize impact. We activate your story to solve your problem or capitalize on your opportunity.
Our world-class, multi-channel capabilities allow us to provide highly-creative messaging through mediums such as digital advertising, mobile advertising, print advertising, and direct mail to carry on 1:1 conversations with people as they consume information in different ways.